


当前位置:首页阿里体育付费直播免费吗 珀金埃尔默Perkinelmer美国PE光谱耗材珀金埃尔默阻塞剂N8145236美国PE耗材


珀金埃尔默阻塞剂N8145236美国PE耗材 ,货号N8145236,美国PE光谱仪器实验室用配件耗材雾化器MAS


珀金埃尔默阻塞剂N8145236美国PE耗材 ,货号N8145236,美国PE光谱仪器实验室用配件耗材雾化器MAS






英文名称:Fused Silica Obstruction Removal Kit

货  号:N8145236

品  牌:PerkinElmer、珀金.埃尔默、美国PE




N8145230 Cation Exchange Column PFA End Fitting MAS

N8145231 Sr Separation Column, 0.2 mL MAS

N8145232 Th/U Separation Column, 0.2 mL MAS

N8145236 Fused Silica Obstruction Removal Kit MAS

N8145237 1/16" Ferrule f 1/4-28 g. 10 MAS

N8145238 1/8" Ferrule f HighFlow Fitting g.10 MAS

N8145239 High Purity PFA Tubing 0.15mm ID Red MAS

N8145240 High Purity PFA Tubing 0.20mm ID Purple MAS

N8145241 High Purity PFA Tubing 0.25mm ID Green MAS

N8145242 High Purity PFA Tubing 0.30mm ID Yellow MAS

N8145243 High Purity PFA Tubing 0.50mm ID ange MAS

N8145244 High Purity PFA Tubing 0.80mm ID Blue MAS

N8145245 High Purity PFA Tubing 1.0mm ID Grey MAS

N8145246 High Purity PFA Tubing 1.6mm ID Coil MAS

N8145275 PFA-400 Microflow Nebulizer, 400 ╡L/min MAS

N8145284 NexION AFT Multi-Element Solution 500 mL MAS

N8145289 NexION KED Setup Solution 10mg/L 500 mL MAS

N8145313 Quartz Cyclonic/Scott Dual Spray Chamber MAS

N8145318 High Efficiency Quartz Tch f NexION MAS

N8145319 Sampler ConeGuard NexION MAS

N8145320 Skimmer ConeGuard NexION MAS

N8145321 Spray Chamber Nut PFA 6mm Long, Qty.1 MAS

N8145325 Gas Line Addition, 0.8mm ID x 80cm MAS

N8145326 Capcell Pak 5U C18 mg MAS

N8145337 Qtz. 7mm Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber MAS

N8145338 2.5 mm Sapphire Inject Cassette MAS

N8145339 2.5 mm Sapphire Inject Cassette O-ring MAS

N8145342 PreClean PFA Pipett Tip 100-200╡L g.96 MAS

N8145343 Pre-Clean PFA Pipette Tips 1000╡L g.60 MAS

N8145344 Internal Standard Probe, 0.5mm ID MAS

N8145345 Internal Standard Line f P7 Valve MAS

N8145346 F2 FAST Valve Neb Line 14cm, F0.25mm MAS

N8145347 F2 FAST Valve Neb Line 14cm, F0 0.5mm MAS

N8145348 PFA Tube, 12 mL, 110mm x 16mm Qty. 10 MAS

N8145349 PFA Insert Cap f 16 mm PFA Vial Qty. 1 MAS

N8145350 PFA Septum Pierce Cap Qty. 10 MAS

N8145351 PFA Sheets f Septum Pierce Cap Qty. 10 MAS

N8145352 2 mL PVDF Fluopolymer Vials Qty 100 MAS

N8145353 Pre-Cleaned PFA Tall Cap, Qty. 100 MAS

N8145354 96 Well 500╡L Microtiter Plate Polystyr. MAS

N8145357 Trace Metal Cleanup Column MAS

N8145358 Online Mixing Kit f PFA-ST Neb 0.25mm MAS

N8145359 Online Mixing Kit f PFA-ST Neb 0.5mm MAS

N8145360 Online Mix Kit f/MEINHARD Plus Neb 0.25 MAS

N8145361 Online Mix Kit f MEINHARD Plus Neb 0.5 MAS

N8145362 Online Mixing Kit 0.5 mm ID, ange MAS

N8145363 Online Mixing Kit with PFA-ST Neb 0.25mm MAS

N8145364 Online Mixing Kit with MEINHARD Plus Neb MAS

N8145365 Glass Nebulizer Adapter MAS

N8145366 ESI 2.5 Day Install/Train PrepFAST NA,WE MAS

N8145367 prepFAST Deluxe Spares Kit MAS

N8145368 PFA-ST Nebulizer f prepFAST MAS

N8145369 P4 Valve with CTFE Stat MAS

N8145370 P6 High-Flow 6 t Valve f SC-FAST MAS

N8145371 P7 High-Flow 7 t Valve f SC-FAST MAS

N8145372 P7 Valve with PPS Stat MAS

N8145373 P8 Valve with CTFE Stat MAS

N8145374 P10 Valve with CTFE Stat MAS

N8145375 P11 Valve with CTFE Stat MAS

N8145376 A11b Valve with CTFE Stat MAS

N8145377 CTFE Stat f P4 Valve MAS

N8145378 CTFE Stat f P6 Sample Valve MAS

N8145379 CTFE Stat f/P7+ prepFAST Sample Valve MAS

N8145380 PPS Stat f P7 Sample Valve MAS

N8145381 CTFE Stat f P8 Sample Valve MAS

N8145382 CTFE Stat f P10 Sample Valve MAS

N8145383 PFA Rot f P4 Valve MAS

N8145384 PFA Rot f P7+ Valve MAS

N8145385 PFA Rot f P8 Valve MAS

N8145386 PFA Rot f P10  P11 Valve MAS

N8145387 V6 Syringe Loading Valve S200V prepFAST MAS

N8145388 V12 Syringe Valve f S400V prepFAST MAS

N8145389 V13 Syringe Valve f/S400V prepFAST micro MAS



公司主营:美国PE、戴安DIONEX离子色谱耗材,PE元素灯/PE石墨管/PE氘灯/PE钨灯/PE 基体改进剂/PE 样品杯/PE GCMS灯丝/PE ICP火炬/PE 氧化铝注入管/PE 雾化器大量现货!美国Perkinelmer(珀金埃尔默)耗材常备现货:元素灯、石墨管、样瓶杯、取样毛细管、进样针、雾化器、矩管、中心管、泵管、顶空瓶、隔垫、瓶盖、色谱瓶、热脱附管、干燥剂、钨灯、氘灯、铝制样品盘等。



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